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Not seen on TV: the funny meeting of Julie de Bona in Animal Instinct

In the middle of the holiday season, France 2 is launching a brand new event for fans of animals and wide open spaces. Incarnated by Diego Buñuel and naturalist Perrine Crosmary, animal instinct invited Julie de Bona for its first issue. And the actress had some scares …

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It is an extraordinary experience that has lived Julie de Bona for twelve days last May. The 42-year-old actress has indeed left for the Serengeti Park, in Tanzania, for a journey far from the well-trodden paths of traditional safaris. Because it was on foot that the young woman realized her immersion as close as possible to wildlife for the first issue ofanimal instinct, the new meeting of France 2. Objective: to reconnect with its most primary emotions by breaking all the codes of society. To accompany him on this journey, the star of female fighters was able to count on the great reporter Diego Bunuel and the naturalist Perrine Crosmary. And they were a great help during our stay.

Julie de Bona in animal instinct : “My gut tells me not to move on

Thus, the trio’s encounter with a group of elephants could have gone wrong. While Diego Buñuel explains to Julie de Bona that we must leave, she does not move an inch, fascinated by the pachyderms. “She tells me : ‘No, it’s okay, I am in communication with the elephants. They talk to me,'” the director recalls, amused. “Perrine tells me that we are going to move on. I find the elephants are near and ask what to do if they charge. She tells me that it is important not to move. My instinct tells me not to move on because something is going on but I don’t know what. I turn around and see sixty elephants behind us. So when Diego says to me: ‘We’re going’, I answer him : ‘No, I was told not to move’. It is dangerous, contradictory information in case of danger. Luckily he took me by force and moved me“, explains Julie de Bona. But this is not the only danger she has avoided.

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I hear him scream

On the first night of filming, Julie had a snake in her tent. I hear him screaming after me, because it’s me she’s calling“, tells us Perrine Crosmary. With an Olympian calm, the naturalist therefore arrives in the tent of the actress. “I take the snake, talk to it and explain to it that I’m not here to attack it. Julie was speechless. She asked me how I was doing. I replied that I was not afraid. We learned to be afraid of nature, we secured ourselves to death. We must learn to counter this fear, bring down the mind, listen to our body and our senses. That’s what I taught Julie. Today she changed“, confides the naturalist. And it seems to have worked, as the actress seems transformed by this immersion really like no other.

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