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Now they have to cuddle without him – Heidi and Tom mourn their fur nose

The top model says goodbye to his fluffy giant.

Heidi Klum (49) and her husband Tom Kaulitz (33) mourn: her beloved dog Capper died. The four-legged friend was originally the dog of Tom and his twin brother Bill (33), but lived with Heidi and Tom, together with dog Anton.

On Instagram, Heidi shared an emotional video that shows her lovingly cuddling with Capper and Tom. The clip is accompanied by sad music. Heidi wrote the moving words: “Loved forever. Forever in our hearts. ”It quickly becomes clear: Heidi and Tom had to say goodbye to their dog and share good memories with him again.

An excerpt from the touching farewell video that shows Heidi, Tom and their capper cuddling

Photo: Heidi Klum/Instagram

The loss of Capper should also be particularly sad for the Irish wolfhound Anton: he has lost his playmate. The two four-legged friends seemed to understand each other perfectly, and Heidi kept sharing snapshots of the two. On none Family portrait, the two fur noses were allowed to be missingwere always at the side of master and mistress.

For the model and the musician, it should feel empty in the marriage bed, because Capper and Anton were allowed to sleep with them. Now a fluffy cuddle partner is missing in the family.

Bill Kaulitz says goodbye too

However, Heidi and Tom are not the only ones who sorely miss their four-legged friend: Bill is also mourning the loss of Capper online, who became the twin brothers’ loyal companion over 15 years ago.

Tom (left), Heidi and Bill are real animal lovers. Heidi’s husband can still be seen with his dog Capper in the family snapshot

Photo: Heidi Klum/Instagram

The singer commemorates his dog with touching words: “Thank you for taking care of us when we grew up, for teaching us so much about life and love.” And further: “Thank you for being our best friend for over 15 years and most faithful companion you were.”

In any case, this animal love will never be forgotten.

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