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Nuria Marn comes out in defense of Slvame and trash television: It is insulting the viewers

Nuria Marn comes out in defense of Slvame and trash television: It is insulting the viewers

Nuria Marn ended her adventure at Telecinco at the end of 2023 when The current board of directors of the group decided to remove both María Patio and her from the management of Socialit in favor of Mara Verdoy. The contractual rupture between Mediaset and La Fbrica de la Tele led to the departure of the two journalists since the order was given from the top to remove all faces linked to the Slvame Universe from the network.

In this way, Nuria Marón experienced two agonizing chapters in her final stretch at Mediaset: the cancellation of Slvame and having to leave one of the formats that gave her so much joy in recent years, Socialit. It was a long agony because you knew what would happen, but when? It became long and heavythe Catalan woman stated a few weeks ago in an interview on the TV3 program Collapse.

In her latest appearance on Catalunya Rdio, Nuria Marón once again speaks at length about this issue, as well as the concept of trash television that bothers her so much and the lack of limits in the tabloid press. I’m telling you, I started in the gossip press when they still made hidden cameras. I mean, I’ve done things that I think, my mother, I’m going to have to go to hell. Through hidden cameras I have gotten people drunk to get information. I have done very things heaviesrecognize.

It is also true that there are people who cross those limits. That is, there are people who pretend to have broken off a relationship with their partner to make content. There are people who pretend to be someone’s partner to make content. There are people who do really stupid things to appear on TV or to have an article in the press., he continues saying on Catalunya Rdio. Likewise, Nuria Marn explains that she likes to do tabloid press from humor, as happens in Cazamariposas, the defunct Divinity program.

What is trash TV?

The Catalan is not shy when it comes to coming out in defense of Slvame, the La Fbrica de la Tele format where she collaborated on more than one occasion and even served as presenter during the official hosts’ vacations. I think there is no better revenge, if you have to get revenge on someone, than to be successful. And what I did was look for a path of success for myself. In other words, I don’t wish anyone harm, what I do is wish myself well, he says.

I had the feeling sometimes that, walking through the corridors of Mediaset, that there were people who were already dividing our inheritance for when we died, he adds. Regarding the concept of television trash that they had to deal with for more than fourteen years, Nuria Marín is clear: What is trash television? To call a program trash television is to insult the viewers who watch it.

For m It’s more trash TV to try to convince someone of a situation, I don’t know, maybe social or political.what not to explain that Isabel Pantoja never leaves Cantora, which is a reality, says the television station.

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