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Öko-Test: Facial tissues are good and problematic at the same time

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Damp wipes are useful for removing make-up. For correct disposal, however, these should not end up in the toilet, but in the residual waste. © Monique Wüstenhagen/dpa-tmn

Moist facial cleansing wipes remove make-up and co., can be used quickly on the go and mostly perform very well or well in the “eco-test”. But it is better not to use them too often.

Frankfurt/Main – For removing make-up or simply for quick cleaning: moist facial cleansing tissues are practical – and largely harmless, according to the conclusion of “Öko-Test” (issue 03/23). “If only there weren’t the tiresome question of disposal.”

The testers examined a total of 20 moist cleaning wipes, including four certified natural cosmetic products. The result: “You can use more than three quarters of the products without hesitation,” according to “Öko-Test”. More than half of the cleaning cloths scored “very well”, including eight of the cheapest products in the test. The eco-testers rate five of the cleaning cloths as “good”.

But there are also downward outliers: Two branded products rattle through as “unsatisfactory”. The reason: Both contain halogenated organic compounds that can cause allergic reactions. Also: PEG/PEG derivatives. They can make the skin more permeable to foreign substances. “Environmentally harmful plastic compounds in the recipe, which we downgrade under other defects, round off the bad picture,” according to “Öko-Test”.

Do not wash down wet cleaning cloths

Whether very good, good or insufficient: all products have one problem in common: Anyone who uses the damp wipes every day accumulates a considerable amount of waste over time. “Wet cleaning cloths cannot really be environmentally friendly,” according to the eco-testers. If they are flushed down the toilet, there is also a risk of clogging.

The “Öko-Test” advice: “It is best to dispose of cleaning cloths in the residual waste.” However, they have no place in the bio bin, on the compost heap or in the toilet, regardless of the information on the packaging. dpa

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