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Olivia Gayat (Large families) does she want a second child? His answer

It’s in Large families: life in XXL that Olivia Gayat was revealed to the general public, with her parents Soukdavone and Olivier. Thanks to her participation, the young woman gained visibility. Since then, she has become an influencer and still continues to share behind the scenes of her daily life on social networks, although she no longer appears on screen. Thus, Internet users were able to follow his marriage to Sora, but also his rant against his sister’s school after the latter was the victim of school harassment. If she has been able to enjoy a fabulous family trip to Reunion lately, the end-of-year celebrations have not been all rosy for the Gayats. On Christmas Eve, Olivia Gayat found herself faced with a traumatic situation with her son Kayden. “I would like to discuss a serious subject with you. To warn, warn and inform because it happened to me on December 24th and it traumatized me: the convulsion. December 24, so New Year’s Eve, my little heart (his son, Editor’s note) was sick. (…) And there, total horror: I see my son tense, his hands towards his face, like that, his eyes throbbing upwards, shaking all over, and foam coming out of his mouth . […] He was convulsing, he was shaking,” she remembered when she had already consulted SOS Médecins.

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Olivia Gayat experienced a traumatic episode at the end of the year

Olivia Gayat struggled to recover. “I had the fear of my life, I thought I was losing my son”, confessed the beautiful brunette. Firefighters came shortly after. Eventually, the influencer learned that it was all more impressive than serious. “Today I’m fine, but my mom heart has been through so much since you arrived, and I know I’m not the only one.” she admitted. This January 22 in a series of Questions / Answers in stories on instagramKayden’s mother responded to a user who asked her about her wish to have a second child. Frankly sometimes I want to have a second one now, and sometimes I say to myself no not right away and I’m fine with Kayden at the moment“, she begins.

“I love my son so much that I am never serene”

Before continuing:I’m also split in the sense that since I became a mom, my heart, my mind, my fear, suffer so much. I love my son so much that I’m never calm, I always think about him, how he’s doing, etc. I care a lot I’m like that with the people I love and especially my baby but I don’t see myself with only one child and on the other hand I don’t want to wait too long either. before becoming a mother again so I don’t really know, but for the moment, I am very well with Kayden”concludes Olivia Gayat.

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