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Olvido Hormigos remembers the broadcast of his intimate video: I don’t think I can ever forgive myself

Olvido Hormigos remembers the broadcast of his intimate video: I don't think I can ever forgive myself

Oblivion Ants has returned to television, and she has done so by being one of the protagonists of the program Friday, from Telecinco. In her interview, the former councilor of Los Ybenes (Toledo), has addressed different topics, but above all she has delved into that of the dissemination of his intimate video that he sent to a soccer player back in August 2012.

A topic on the agenda that he recalled, pointing out that He still has it stuck very deep, and who continues to be ashamed of it. What would change? Don’t hit send. This guy suddenly crossed my path and I wish I had followed him… he began by explaining.

And immediately after his video was released, his life changed completely, and he also had to resign from his job: Those days I didn’t want to get out of bed, or live… I thought about taking some pills and not waking up, but I didn’t. I don’t forgive myself and I don’t think I can ever forgive myself..

It not only had an impact on his life, but also that of his parents, who began to have photographers and journalists crowding at the door of their house: My mother got angry and didn’t even want to see me for a long time… then it’s over. I pretend it didn’t happen, but it’s still stuck there.

Furthermore, he points out that he has not even been able to talk about the subject with his children, with whom he has not had any conversation about it, nor have the older ones: His friends did not even mention it to him and I have never spoken to them.

Regretful for her role on television

Some time later, he saw the opportunity to enter the manufacturing industry. television with the aim of creating a character that ended up surpassing her: When I see myself I don’t recognize myself. I have apologized to my family many times. There was a time when I was crazy and out of control.. I was not like that, nor am I like that today. For me, sex had nothing to do with love, a person would come, talk to me and I would forget everything. But you can’t go back in time.

Currently, Olvido assures that she continues to apologize for what she did, and her husband, Jesús, has ended up forgiving her for everything, including her attitude on television, something that politics has also been ashamed of: It was fast money, but not easy.

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