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One more testimony: The former director of Lizzo’s documentary accused the singer of her bad behavior

One more testimony: The former director of Lizzo's documentary accused the singer of her bad behavior

On August 1, the music industry was left with its mouth open, because three former Lizzo dancers sued the singer for sexual harassment and creating a hostile work environment for the people who work with her. Of course, this news surprised locals and strangers, but little by little, testimonies are emerging that could confirm the accusations against him.

It turns out that before the Los Angeles Superior Court, Arianna Davis, Crystal Williams and Noelle Rodriguez They denounced Melissa Viviane Jefferson What is the singer’s real name? and its choreographer, Shirlene Quigley for making comments about their dancers’ weight, as well as harassing them to engage in acts of a sexual nature, harassment and racism while working with Lizzo.

Lizzo and her choreographer are accused of causing a toxic work environment/Photo: Getty Images

The former director of Lizzo’s documentary spoke about the bad behavior of the singer

Although everyone has the right to reply and until proven otherwise, the artist is innocent, in the midst of this news Sophia Nahli Allison’s testimony emerged, which makes us understand that the claim of Lizzo’s former dancers is true and everything they say about the period in which they collaborated together.

For those who don’t know who he is, Sophia Nahli Allison is an American filmmaker known for her short film A Love Song for Latasha (Which garnered an Oscar nomination). And you may be wondering why she spoke about the allegations against the artist. Well, it turns out that she was the director of the documentary, Love Lizzowhich premiered in 2022 on HBO Max.

Sophia Nahli Allison, the former director of Lizzo’s documentary, spoke about the bad behavior of the singer/Photo: Getty Images

Ana Sophia Allison made it clear that she did not have a good time when she worked with Lizzo

Through their social networks, Sophia Nahli Allison declared that 2019, she traveled with Lizzo to follow her in her day to day, capture images and thus become the director of her documentary. However, After a few days together, she left the project due to the bad behavior of the “Juice” singer.

“I walked away after about two weeks. She treated me with such disrespect. I witnessed how arrogant, self centered and unpleasant he is. She was not protected and I was thrown into a shitty situation with little support.”

The former director of Lizzo’s documentary declared about the time she spent with the singer

As if this weren’t enough, heThe director said she realized her gut was telling her to drop the project, and she’s “grateful” she did. Also, Sophia Nahli Allison mentioned that “she felt bad and deeply hurt” by the treatment she received from Lizzo during the time I work with her.

To end, Sophia Nahli Allison said she decided to talk about her experiences with Lizzo because it is very important to the filmmaker to “validate the experiences of other black women.” And while she doesn’t like to get involved in pop culture issues, she felt it was necessary to share her point of view of the artist and support Arianna, Crystal and Noelle.

“Reading these reports made me realize how dangerous the situation was. (work with the singer). This kind of abuse of power happens all too often. Much love and support to the dancers”, concluded the former director of Lizzo’s documentary, who until the moment of writing this note, has not ruled on the lawsuits against her.

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