We all dance with our partners, but sometimes there is a danger

A friend took me to see the movie “Kamasutra, a tale of love.” I thought it was going to be very strong, sex, positions, etc., but it wasn’t like that. The film is full of sex, but good sex, almost always surrounded by affection.

As its name says, it is a beautiful story of amor made with exquisite taste. It manages to combine strong sex scenes with art. The plot is interesting and absorbs you.

Being a courtesan in the king’s court can be a privilege, as long as the courtesan does not fall in love, nor does the king fall in love with the courtesan. Love is a miracle. When it arises it drags us, envelops us and drives us crazy. Jealousy, hatred, envy are very bad advisors. Social inequality, seeing a group that has everything, while the majority has nothing, generates the crux of the film.

Another extremely interesting aspect is the treatment given to women in those Eastern lands. Her husbands were chosen by her parents, the princesses had to marry the princes without almost knowing them, the wife had to share her husband with several women chosen by him… a whole culture very different from the West.

Despite deeply respecting the culture of a people, I kept asking myself: Is that functional for human beings? Can the children of these people be happy? Is it fair that in the 21st century we continue to see and tolerate abuses, the degradation of women and human beings in general?

Love, passion, fear of surrender, how the figures of our parents mark us forever, how their abandonment fills us with fear as we grow up and have to trust another human being… It’s as if a little voice deep inside of us told us: “If your parents abandoned you, could someone else love you? Can you trust that another human being will not abandon you?”

Thus, becoming vulnerable, having intimacy, making a commitment to another, is very difficult. We let love pass us by and then it takes its toll on us. A bill that most of the time we do not have the means to pay, or when paying it the emotional price is very high. The protagonists experience this “taking its toll” intensely. Many try to play with emotions and it is precisely the emotions that play with them in the end.

“Kamasutra, a tale of love” is about all this and much more. Find it and enjoy it. Like any work of art, it is beautiful, full of details, with very good sex scenes, in short, a beauty.


Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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