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Options for consumers: Replace oil heating: There are subsidies for the alternatives

Replacing the old oil heating system – consumers have various alternatives here. Some even get government funding.

The year 2023 got off to a good start for many consumers in terms of energy prices. The high phase of the energy crisis in 2022 seems to be over – record prices for heating oil or gas are a thing of the past. What’s more, heating oil prices plummeted at the beginning of February and gas prices have also leveled off at pre-war levels since December. Experts cite the mild weather as the reason for the falling heating oil and gas prices in Germany. In addition, the gas storage still well filled.

Replacing oil heating: Alternatives – there is a subsidy for these heating systems

Nevertheless, replacing an old gas or oil heating system can be worthwhile for many consumers. Although they are sinking energy prices currently again – but for how long? One thing is certain: fuels such as heating oil are only available in limited quantities on earth. In the long term, rising prices can therefore be assumed. Especially since factors such as the war in Ukraine or international demand can repeatedly influence energy prices. In Germany, there are also lucrative state subsidies for a new heating system in 2023.

Heating basic funding Heating exchange bonus Heat pump bonus promotion total

heat pump




40 percent

pellet heating



20 percent

Climate-friendly technologies are subsidised, such as a heat pump or pellet heating system. The state also gives a so-called “heating exchange bonus” for old gas or oil heating systems. This amounts to a total of ten percent and is offset against the basic subsidy for a heat pump or pellet heating system. But replacing the oil heating and switching to a climate-friendly alternative is not only worthwhile in view of the lucrative subsidies. There are many reasons for replacing the old oil heating system:

  • Especially old oil heaters with a constant temperature boiler are inefficient and have high consumption
  • With an oil heating system, you are affected by the ups and downs in heating oil prices – these fluctuate strongly again and again
  • Compared to new heating technologies, old oil heaters emit a lot of CO2
  • Old oil heaters take up a lot of space – new systems such as heat pumps are much more compact
  • In Germany, there is a “replacement obligation” for oil heating systems – more and more consumers will be affected in the coming years

Replacing oil heating: alternatives at a glance – the advantage of heat pumps

However, there are a few exceptions to the “replacement obligation” for oil heaters – but you should still use one old plant rethink. The exchange makes sense simply from the point of view of the operating costs and the fluctuating heating oil prices. The costs for a new heat pump or pellet heating system are also amortized over the years during operation. The heat pump and pellet heating are the best-known alternatives to oil heating. However, consumers have other options – we have listed these:

  • heat pump
  • Pellet or wood heating
  • Local and district heating
  • Natural or LPG
  • Combined heat and power plant (CHP)
  • Hydrogen heating based on fuel cells
  • solar thermal

Heat pumps and wood heating are popular alternatives to heating oil. They can be installed in almost all buildings as an alternative to oil heating and, unlike local or district heating, are not tied to a connection. In addition, the two heating technologies are significantly cheaper than a CHP or hydrogen heating. Even in old buildings, a heat pump can replace the old gas or oil heating – however, the existing radiators should be big enough and the flow temperature not be too high.

Replacing oil heating: CHP or local and district heating? The alternatives briefly explained

Combined heat and power plants and fuel cell heating systems are less well known. Both technologies are often more expensive to buy than a classic heat pump or pellet heating system. Still, for some it can consumer with an old gas or oil heating system, the change can be interesting. There is also government funding for fuel cells. Consumers can also benefit from the “heating exchange bonus” here – the prerequisite for this is the decommissioning of the old heating system.

The Local and district heating are not classic heating systems. The heat for hot water and heating comes from a local heating or small power plant. Some communities also use geothermal energy as a heat source. The energy is therefore not generated in the house – it comes from a source outside. Prerequisite for use is a connection for local or district heating in the house as well as an external heat source. This source should already be available or you should team up with other owners.

Replacing oil heating with fuel cells: How hydrogen heating works

The combined heat and power plant (CHP) is – as the name suggests – a small power plant in the house. Just like that oil heating the necessary heat is generated in the house. The online portal reports on how it works “co2online”. Just like in a gas or oil heater, a fuel is burned here. In this way, a generator is driven to generate electricity – heat is also generated in the process. You can use the electricity yourself or feed it into the public grid. The heat is first stored and later given off to the radiators.

The way fuel cell heating works is completely different: Here, hydrogen reacts with oxygen. According to reports from “co2online”, direct current and heat are generated. The direct current is then converted into usable alternating current by an inverter. The heat generated in the system is in turn used for hot water and heating. Just like with CHP and oil heating, the entire process takes place in the house. At the fuel cell heating there is currently a lot of research going on. Experts see a lot of potential in the technology.

Combine oil heating with solar thermal energy or a heat pump: Don’t forget the subsidy

The solar thermal system converts solar energy into heat. This in turn is used to heat water or for heating. The problem: As with a classic solar system, you are dependent on the sun. Therefore, a solar thermal system is only suitable in combination with another heating system. Also one oil heating can be used in a hybrid system with a solar thermal system. The advantage: In such a combination, the oil heater does not fall under the “replacement obligation”.

A heat pump or a pellet heating system can also be used with an oil heating system hybrid heating be used. There is even a government subsidy for the combination of oil heating and heat pump – but only for the climate-friendly part of the system. As an alternative to the old oil heating system, a new oil heating system is also an option. In contrast to old systems, modern heating oil systems work much more efficiently – here the new condensing technology is used instead of the outdated oil constant temperature boiler.

Renew oil heating: Modern oil heating as an alternative? The difference of the systems

Such new oil heaters are also ideal for hybrid heating systems. Consumers can easily determine the age of their own oil heating system using a number. This is important – because the heating system may not be that old and can continue to be operated for years to come. Replacing the heating completely only results in old ones oil heaters Sense. In new buildings, a new heating technology is usually used from the start. Because all gas or oil heating systems have one disadvantage: you are dependent on classic fuels.

Replacing the oil heater – consumers have more than one option here. What alternative is the best? This question can not be answered generally. Factors such as the condition of the building or personal preferences play a role here. Affected consumers should therefore seek help from a specialist company or energy consultant in the decision-making process. Many consumer centers also provide advice. In any case, you should always take the state subsidies and grants with you.

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