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Oscar Pistorius, very close to being released after ten years in prison

Oscar Pistorius, very close to being released after ten years in prison

Oscar Pistorius could be very close to getting out of prison. The South African Paralympic athlete, who wears ten years in prison after murdering his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkampafter shooting her up to four times due to an alleged confusion with a thief who had entered the home, is a candidate for paroleas reported by the South African Department of Correctional Services.

The South African justice system is assessing whether or not the prisoner is suitable for social integration after the Constitutional Court declared him a candidate for conditional release. A permit that was denied last March given that the athlete had not completed the minimum detention period.

The resolution will come out on Friday

Now, Pistorius, who has served more than half of the sentence, demands this way to get out of prison since he considers a violation of their fundamental rights the increase in his sentence after the South African Supreme Court of Appeal found the athlete guilty of murder. He spent five to fifteen years in prison. Pistorius will sit in court next Friday, November 24 to find out whether he will remain in prison until the end of his sentence, about five more years, or whether he will be released after a decade behind bars.

Reeva Steenkamp’s family opposed the first request for parole presented by Pistorius’ lawyers. He is the murderer of his daughter. I don’t think he should be released. I feel like he hasn’t shown remorse. He is not rehabilitated because, if he were, he would have confessed and told the true story of what happened that night, stated his lawyer Tania Koen.

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