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Osniel Kimii: From selling cookies in Los Sitios to one of the voices of the urban genre from Miami


A lot has happened in the life of Osniel Kimii since he was that young man who lived in Los Sitios, a neighborhood in Centro Habana, until he became one of the young exponents of the urban genre most popular racer from Miami.

In a interview for the podcast of the Cuban influencer José Ernesto González, Carnota, L Kimii as the reggaeton singer is popularly known, confessed that at one time he sold cookies with mayonnaise with his mother to earn his own money.

“My mom used to tell me ‘you know? And we came up with an idea and I told him ‘look, I’m going to look for the biscuit, you make the mayonnaise here in the gao and we sell biscuits with mayonnaise at the door,’ “said the singer.

Osniel assured that many good memories of that time come to mind: “I was happy to look for my mom’s cookies and I turned back happily. But my brother when sometimes I turned and there were no cookies… no asere”.

Between laughs he said that on many occasions he had to go more than once and he even got hungry and ate the cookies.

He proudly spoke of his mother, her unconditional support and all the values ​​she taught him to be a good personand although she is still in Cuba, she hopes to be able to hug her again soon.

His life in Los Sitios also marked him deeply, to the point that he talks about those times in his songs, and although many consider it a “bad neighborhood,” he assures that he learned a lot on its streets and from its people.

the young cuban came to the United States last year after a journey by land from Peru, and in Miami he has focused on continuing to grow in music.

L. Kimi’s career He continues to rise and to this day he is one of the hottest voices in the genre. Just this Friday, August 4, he premiered another explosive joint, “CRI’K”, in collaboration with Wow Popy.

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