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Outburst of anger at “The Geissens”: Robert is cooking because his 200,000 euro Lambo was destroyed

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From: Sarah Wolzen


In the new episode of “The Geissens – a terribly glamorous family” the head of the family, Robert Geiss, bursts. Because his Lamborghini suddenly has a flat tire, a bad suspicion creeps up on him.

Monaco – Does anyone want to harm the Geissens? Actually, the new episode of their docu-soap “The Geissens – a terribly glamorous family” started so well for Carmen (57), Robert (59) and their two daughters Davina (19) and Shania (18).

Lamborghini der Geissens has a flat tire – bad luck or sabotage?

The family wanted to go shopping together – how could it be otherwise? But when they arrive at the fleet, the Geissens are in for a nasty surprise: their Lamborghini Urus has a flat tire! It could be dismissed as bad luck if the incidents involving Geiss’ luxury cars weren’t increasing lately. Only recently, “Jetset” interpreter Carmen was annoyed by mysterious dents on her car, now the flat Lambo – can it still be a coincidence?

Robert can’t believe it. Has someone deliberately tampered with their 200,000 euro car? The tire service should clarify whether it is really a matter of willful destruction. “If someone stabbed in there, we’ll have to make trouble here,” the self-made millionaire shouts furiously.

The Geissens can’t believe it: has someone tampered with their Lamborghini? © RTL+

Lamborghini records ruined the Geissens’ shopping spree

Carmen is also visibly concerned about the damage to her luxury car. “The whole rim is broken … everything sucks,” the 57-year-old gets upset. One thing particularly annoys family man Robert: “It’s annoying that this is happening today, because of course the Urus fits the most and that’s exactly what we need today!”

The Geissens did not start their TV career on RTL2

Since 2011, fans of Carmen and Rooobert have been able to follow their everyday life in luxury on RTL2 with “The Geissens – a terribly glamorous family”. But what many do not know: they were first seen on the Vox show “Goodbye Germany”, but soon got out again – for a specific reason.

When it comes to shopping, “Roberto Geissini” hasn’t been going quite as usual lately anyway. Recently he couldn’t pay his bill in a Dubai shopping center – “my money is running out”, the 59-year-old was horrified. Sources used: RTL+

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