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Pablo Chiapella, about Jos Luis Gil: At least he has been saved

Pablo Chiapella, about Jos Luis Gil: At least he has been saved

The health status of José Luis Gil has become the main topic of conversation when the actors of La que se cerca appear in front of the media. While the fiction continues to advance its plots in the broadcast of its new chapters, the interpreter who plays Enrique Pastor continues recovering away from work from a stroke that could have cost him his life two years ago.

Taking advantage of the presentation of Santiago Segura’s film Christmas in Your Hands, Pablo Chiapella updated the health status of his partner. Chiapella, who plays Amador Rivas, had a very close relationship with José Luis Gil in the series, since their characters tended to coincide a lot and even became neighbors.

In statements to Europa Press, Chiapella has described Gil’s situation as complicated. But, on the other hand, it is good that he is physically well, removing the problem that prevents him from working at the moment. At least it has been saved and we have to stay with that. I send you a huge kissthe Albaceteo actor concluded.

The last part of his daughter

Among public demonstrations by those who have been his companions in recent years – some even since No One Lives Here was produced – the actor’s daughter was in charge of giving the last report on her part’s state of health. Two years have passed and we are all assuming that life is not going to be the samesummarized Irene Gil in a post on Instagram that quickly filled with messages of affection from professional colleagues and fans of José Luis’s work.

You ask me about my father, I thank you from the bottom of my soul. Feeling so much affection is an honor. It’s hard to have to speak on his behalf. I would like him to be able to respond to your messages. It’s not like that, Irene noted at the end of October. It is a tremendous blow that is difficult to accept, we are in it. We struggle to face this situation that is very complex and painful, the woman from Zaragoza concluded.

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