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Pablo Lyle, in the anteroom of the sentence

Miami.- Pablo Lyle, who last October was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter for a 2019 vehicle incident, will hear his sentence this Friday.

Judge Marisa Tinkler Mendez is expected to reveal the sentence at a hearing scheduled for the afternoon in Miami-Dade County Circuit Court.

The conviction comes nearly four years after the actor was charged with manslaughter in the death of a man he struck in a car incident. Two months ago, the magistrate rejected Lyle’s request for a new trial and upheld the guilty verdict handed down by a jury in October.

Lyle, 36, faces a maximum sentence of up to 15 years in prison.

After a trial of just over a week, the soap opera actor was convicted of involuntary manslaughter for the death of Juan Ricardo Hernández, a 63-year-old man of Cuban origin with whom he had an altercation near the Miami airport.

The actor punched Hernández, who died four days later at a hospital from a brain injury. The incident was recorded on security cameras.

Lyle’s lawyers asked that the trial and verdict be annulled, alleging that there were inconsistencies and that no evidence or witnesses were admitted that would have shown that the actor acted out of fear for his life and that of his children.

From the beginning of the judicial process, Lyle’s lawyers indicated that he acted in self-defense, but that claim was rejected by a higher court that ordered the trial.

The actor from the Netflix series “Yankee” has been detained since the six members of the jury delivered their verdict on October 4, since the judge denied his request to continue under house arrest in which he was until then. .

The vehicular incident occurred in March 2019, when Lyle’s brother-in-law was taking the actor, his wife and their two children to the airport.

According to the security videos, Hernández stopped his vehicle at a red light, got out and approached the driver’s window of the car in which the actor was traveling to claim that they had blocked his way.

Lyle’s brother-in-law got out of the car and argued with Hernandez, but when he saw that his vehicle was moving he returned to his seat. Then Lyle, who was in the passenger seat, got out, ran towards Hernández and hit him in the face, according to the videos.

The car with the actor left the place, and Hernández was left lying on the ground, alone. Hours later, the actor was arrested at the Miami airport when he was about to board a plane to Mexico.

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