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Pablo Lyle’s children attend therapy to face the actor’s arrest

Pablo Lyle's children attend therapy to face the actor's arrest

MIAMI.- Life not only changed for Pablo Lylewho was sentenced in 2023 to five years of crcel for the involuntary homicide of Juan Ricardo Hernndez in the United States. Their children, Aranza, 11, and Mauro, 9, have also seen how in recent years their family routine took an unexpected turn.

Recently, Ana Araujo, ex-wife of the Mexican actor, revealed how she has faced the difficult situation that her father is going through, after the altercation that occurred in Miami on March 31, 2019.

The actress also wanted to ask a round of questions in Instagram to interact with some followers, and among the questions they asked him was: “How do you handle the issue of their father with your children?”

To which Araujo responded frankly: “With the truth, always. Living what is.”

The mother explained that the children attend accompaniment therapy, an important process that helps them identify the needs of the children; in addition to emphasizing that the entire family is focused on supporting them.

“(They attend) therapy when necessary. Wiping tears and giving hugs when they need it, creating memorable moments for them. I don’t do it alone, their dad and all our families and friends do it too,” she commented.

Ana did not address the dynamics of the children’s communication with Pablo. However, in 2023 she explained on Aislinn Derbez’s podcast that in November her children visited her father in prison, an experience that was shocking for them. “It was very hard for them. Mauro got a temperature sitting there, he felt bad, he couldn’t, there are a lot of emotions.”


Lyle was sentenced in February 2023 to five years in prison, eight years of probation and 100 hours of community service.

However, his lawyers have stated at all times that they continue working for the authorities to reduce the sentence, and there have also been talks so that the man can be deported to Mexico.

Sandra Hoyos, lawyer for actor Pablo Lyle, reported that support from the immigration court was requested for his case, which could mean that the actor would not be transferred to a prison, but would be deported to Mexico.

“The state court issued an order asking for full cooperation with the feds, which in the case of the United States would be the immigration department or court, and we know that it is already in place. Which, it is very likely that (Pablo Lyle) be deported to Mexico,” Hoyos commented last year on the TV Azteca television program Ventaneando.

This has not been the only change in the actor’s life, since it was also known that he separated from Ana Araujo, who now has a public relationship with the photographer and stylist Marco Laván.

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