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Paga in the emergency room after palpitations

This Saturday, January 14, 2023, Paga had to go to the hospital urgently. The candidate of Marseilles felt his heart race and was very scared, as he explained on social media.

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This Saturday, January 14, in his Instagram story, Paga let Internet users know that he was heading to the north of France where he was going to mix. But just before going there, the emblematic candidate of the Marseillais canceled everything. The reason ? He didn’t feel well at all! Ten minutes before arriving at the nightclub, Paga then asked his driver to turn around to take him to the emergency room as quickly as possible. The future dad felt that her heart was racing more and more and he was very scared. And in the hospital, the doctors informed him that these palpitations had been caused by an overconsumption of energy drink.

“My heart, it was coming out, my hands were sweaty”

“I’m leaving the hospital, the emergency room… I was going to go to mix in the North, in a nightclub called the Zodiac. Ten minutes from arriving there, I asked the driver that he takes me to the emergency room. I was starting to have palpitations. My heart was coming out, my palms were sweaty… I’m going to do some tests, everything is fine. I need to rest”, Paga first explained. In the aftermath, he let it be known that he had “abused” of an energy drink, which he drank in very large quantities. “Yesterday, I was mixing with (…). I started the aperitif early and I finished it late (…). I must have drunk ten (…). I was advised against drinking that much and not cutting it.”

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Paga warns Internet users

In his Instagram story, Paga then explained that he had tests to do on Monday, even if those he just did were “nickel chrome”. The young man then took advantage of this bad experience to warn his community. “Friends, be careful. If you go out or whatever, don’t overdo it. Really, I’ve been told this many times. It is very very dangerous. There are even risks of cardiac arrest, confided Paga. Since this story, he returned to his home in Marseille where he spent his evening resting.

Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias.

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