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Pamela Anderson: a childhood marked by trauma and violence

Despite prejudice, Pamela Anderson is a true fighter whose career commands respect. This is what shows Pamela, a love story, documentary dedicated to star life and to be released on Netflix on Tuesday, January 31, 2023. Tele-Leisure could watch it.

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We thought we knew everything about Pamela Anderson, as her life has been dissected by magazines around the world. But who is really the woman, behind the artificial figure of the blond, sexy and ingenuous starlet who sticks to her skin? After having played for a few decades the most emblematic of Californian beach girls, the actress offers herself the right of reply in a Netflix production to be released on Tuesday January 31, 2023. It is through Pamela, a love story, a touching documentary Tele-Leisure could see that she is giving her version of the facts. On the program: a dive into his personal archives, the testimonies of his relatives and a touching return to episodes unknown or misunderstood by the general public. The opportunity to dwell on her childhood, a traumatic period for Pamela.

“I tried to stab her in the heart with a pen”

If we have especially remembered the success story of the young girl spotted during a football match for her perfect figure, the story of Pamela Anderson begins a few years earlier, and in a more dramatic way. Return to Vancouver Island, where she is from. She grew up in a dysfunctional family, surrounded by parents of modest means, and her little brother. After seeing her parents tear each other apart, little Pamela is the victim of another form of violence. “Something horrible happened to me. I had a babysitter and my parents thought she was nice because she gave us presents but she abused me” For a few years, the little girl endures without saying a word. But, fearing that the nanny will take it out on her brother, she decides to take revenge: “Tried to stab her in the heart with a pen and told her I wanted her deadThe next day, the babysitter kills herself in a car accident, which upsets Pamela: “I was sure it happened because I wanted him dead. I carried this weight all through my childhood.” Only, the ordeal of the future star ofBaywatch don’t stop there.

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A trauma passed through in silence

This first trauma gives way to another, which will strike Pamela Anderson as a teenager. In her diary, she recounts having followed “a girlfriend who had a crush on a much older boy“. In a friend’s apartment, the latter goes away with him while Pamela stays to play backgammon with another boy, also older. “We played for a while and then he said a massage would do me good. He was twenty-five, I was twelve. He raped me” she writes. Overwhelmed by guilt, the teenager said nothing. “I thought it was my fault. My mother cried all the time because of my father, I didn’t want to hurt her even more.“This violent experience makes Pamela Anderson a young girl”very shy and full of complexes“. So many physical and psychological blockages from which she will free herself thanks to her career as a model at Playboy.

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