Pamela Anderson reappears with a surprising physical change: It's freedom, it's a relief

The myth of Pamela Anderson It started on a beach and traveled along the coasts and inland areas of the entire planet. During the five years in which he played lifeguard CJ Parker acquired a fame that had nothing to do with what he had garnered as the cover of the magazine Playboy.

The Canadian actress and model was about to become a world renowned figure and capable of condensing for the good, and very enough for the badall the stereotypes that came with being Pammy in the nineties. Especially after the leak of an intimate video of him with his partner at the time, the musician Tommy Lee.

Perhaps that is why he has decided to break up with a static condition in his recent public appearances. Proof of this has been the gala of the Fashion Awards de Londreswhere at 56 years old he has burst onto the red carpet with a white and cream colored dress that highlighted his face. A face that has decided not to put on makeup because, quite simply, it wants to be itself. Although a few months ago she confessed to a kind of cosmetic mourning for the death of her makeup artist, she now insists that it is a plea, a cry for her individual freedom. And crowned with a moo of being at home.

I’m just doing things my way

This is not the first time she appears without makeup. A close precedent can be traced to the Vivienne Westwood show in the Paris Fashion Week last October, where he explained the details of his resounding and spontaneous decision. I don’t know, the idea just popped into my head. She was dressed in those beautiful clothes and I thought: I don’t want to compete with the clothes. I’m not going to try to be the prettiest girl in the room.confessed in the city of lights.



Anderson, whose figure has been sexualized ad nauseam, then decided to break with a tradition that, he believes, did not allow him to act with his free aesthetic will. I think it’s freedom, it’s a reliefresume ella, que aade: I don’t need a stylist and I don’t have one. I don’t have a team dedicated to making myself pretty. After all, it is much easier to synthesize: I’m just doing things my way.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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