Deputies of the National Action Party (PAN) They propose to punish with prison one to three years, or 150 to 300 days of work in favor of the community and a fine of up to 200 days, to whoever denies or restricts the free exercise of public positions of popular representation by reason of age, whether due to youth or old age.

Deputy Salvador Alcántar Ortega of the PAN proposed to reform the article 149 Ter of the Federal Penal Code with this initiative.

The proposal establishes that the determinations made by State institutions, political parties and partisan officials in the exercise of legal powers and elective procedures regulated by law and the corresponding internal regulations will not be considered discrimination for the purposes of this section.

The objective is that older people and young people have an article under which they can protect themselves in case of discrimination in positions of power, says the initiative.

It affirms that age should not be limiting to freely exercise the function that is attributed to a person, for which reason anyone who violates the free performance of the position should be punished.

“In this way, healthy practices are promoted within the public exercise,” says the PAN legislator.

It states that, according to data from the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), the 57 percent of the world population that can vote ranges from 20 and 44 yearsbut this age range only has the 26 percent representation in parliaments.

He refers that historically politics has been considered as a decision-making space for men with experience, considering knowledge “as a synonym of age, but ironically the elderly also occupy a low percentage of representation.”

In addition, he said that these populations face the possibility of discrimination based on age, which prevents the full development of their powers when holding political office.

“For this reason, legislating in favor of eradicating any type of exclusion is important to direct Mexican society to a more just and egalitarian place,” he asserted in his initiative.

For this reason, the deputy alcantar ortega He spoke out for adopting favorable measures based on age to increasingly involve the least represented groups in parliaments and positions of power, since “in this way democracy is strengthened by including a percentage of each sector and diversity gives us It allows us to have broader perspectives on different problems.”

This initiative has already been referred to the Justice Commission of the Chamber of Deputies for analysis and ruling.

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