Parents of two-time PGA winner report suicide in son's case

NEW YORK.- Los parents of Grayson Murray reported Sunday that their 30-year-old son took his own life, just one day after withdrawing from a tour tournament PGA. The family asked for privacy and for people to honor Murray by being kind to one another.

“If that becomes his legacy, we can’t ask for anything more,” Eric and Terry Murray said in a statement released by the PGA.

Murray, a two-time PGA winner, spoke in January — after winning the Sony Open in Honolulu — about turning his life around, his golf, his battles with alcoholism and mental health. He died Saturday morning.

The circumstances surrounding his death have not been revealed. Murray tied for 43rd at the PGA Championship, allowing him to maintain his position in the top 60 to earn a ticket to the U.S. Open next month at Pinehurst in his native North Carolina.


PGA Commissioner Jay Monahan said he spoke with Murray’s parents about a pause in the tournament at Colonial, and they insisted the event should continue.

Monahan traveled from Fort Worth, Texas, to meet with the players. Many of them wore black and red pins on their caps to honor Murray. Those are the colors of the Carolina Hurricanes, his favorite NHL team.

Parent Newsletter:

“We have spent the last 24 hours trying to come to terms with the fact that our son is gone. It is surreal that we must not only admit it to ourselves, but we must also make it known to the entire world. It is a nightmare,” his parents shared in the statement.

“We have many unanswered questions. But one, did Grayson get love? The answer is yes. On our part, his brother Cameron, his sister Erica, his entire family, his friends, also his gaming colleagues and – it seems – on the part of many of you reading this. “He was loved and will be missed,” they said.

“Life was not always easy for Grayson, and although he took his own life, we know that he rests in peace right now,” they added.

Source: AP

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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