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"Partners of the Show" did not go on the air: the reason and what was its replacement

This morning, viewers were surprised by an unexpected change in the programming of El Trece. As usual, at 11:10 and after “Nosotros a la Mañana”, it had to go on the air “Show Partners“But that didn’t happen.

The uncertainty about “Show Partners“It did not last long, since it was one of its conductors, Adrián Pallares, who made the pertinent clarifications to bring peace of mind to the audience of the El Trece gossip cycle.

The story of Adrian Pallares.

Through his Instagram stories, Pallares gave the relative information. With an image next to his companion of “Show Partners“, Rodrigo Lussich, expressed: “Today we do not go on the air, there is a strike by the Argentine Television Union.”

Regarding the situation with the show business program, the solcito channel did not get too complicated to find a solution. The replacement was “We in the Morning” which, instead of ending at its usual time, was extended with the treatment of the trial for the death of Fernando Báez Sosa.

Changes for “Partners”

Laura Ubfal was in charge of publicizing the great programming change that the management of El Trece prepared for February. The main affected are the “partners“, which will change its schedule and will air from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., the slot currently occupied by the Pollo Álvarez magazine.

For now, it is unknown if the new agenda will bring another format for Pallares and Lussich. The reality is that the channel sought a way to recover some of the rating it lost to “Ariel en la Salsa de ella” and “A la Barbarossa” on Telefe. In fact, at the last measurement, “partners” reaped 3.3 points, while Ariel Rodríguez Palacios and his team reached 6.9.

The rating of January 17.

The worst news is for the Chicken, since, with this grid modification, “We in the Morning” will be lifted. With this, the programming for the month of February will be as follows: from 9:30 to 11:30, “partners“And from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., when the newscast begins, El Trece will bet on “El Zorro”, which has given him so much joy in the past.

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