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Pasapalabra says goodbye to its Word Search test and there is already a replacement

Pasapalabra says goodbye to its Word Search test and there is already a replacement

Pass word It is already part of the history of television as one of the reference contests. First he shone on Antena 3 between 2000 and 2006, then he went to Telecinco, where he gained more fame from the hand of Christian Glvez between 2007 and 2019, and then he returned to what was his home, Atresmedia, where he continues to be broadcast with Roberto Loyal as a presenter.

The contest continues to accumulate good audience figures, and the essence of it has never gone away. Now, some of his evidence, yes. In fact, as announced Antenna 3, the program says goodbye to one of its classics, the Word Search, which will be replaced by the Crossed Words.

A change that will not take long to occur, as it will already be seen in the program this Tuesday. A test that was already contested in a special Christmas program last year in which Luis de Lama and Marco Antonio faced each other, and with Cristina Pedroche and Josema Yuste as guests..

How do you play Crosswords?

The chain itself has announced this change, also explaining what it consists of. And it is that Each team must guess a total of nine words in a time of 75 seconds.. They will be words of a theme, and it will be Roberto who will read them the definitions, and the contestants will have to guess them, even though they are broken.

There are two panels in the test. In the one on the left will be the beginning of each word, and in the one on the right, the end of each word. They must join both halves to solve. Each member of the team will continue playing if they get it right, if they miss, the turn is passed to their partner. Each correct word is two seconds to be added later in El Rosco.

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