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Patrick Mahomes’ father arrested for drunk driving

Patrick Mahomes' father arrested for drunk driving

The twelfth of February is circled in red marker on the calendar. Patrick Mahomes. If the Super Bowl is the grand event, the Olympus of American football, this year’s is even more so for a Mahomes who borders on the showcase of the immortals: The Kansas City Chiefs quarterback has led his team to this event for the fourth time in five seasons.


  • The American football player has told in an extensive interview with the Wall Street Journal how his love for the admired singer arose.

  • The quarterback could have regained his hope in love thanks to Resse Witherspoon, who is also getting divorced.

And if they win the next time, they will become the first team to do it consecutively since Tom Brady’s New England Patriots did it in 2004. But he hasn’t done it yet. And now his personal life has suffered a severe setback that could affect his concentration.

The father of the American football player, Patrick Mahomes Sr., was arrested this Saturday night after being intercepted driving while intoxicated. As you may have known TMZ, The events took place in Texas and, since it occurred, he has been locked up there waiting to pay bail.

Just a few days ago, Pat. Mr. made headlines for joking in front of the media about not sitting next to Taylor Swift during the match AFC Conference Championship. And now the joke could be real: there are many North American media outlets that assume that not going to the Super Bowl after this episode.

The background: additional elements of gravity

The main problem, the one that could affect the narrative that the quarterback faces in the coming days, is that it rains in the wet. It is not Mahomes Sr.’s first run-in with Justice: Already in 2019 he faced similar charges that led to a sentence of 40 days in prison.

Although at that time he decided to serve his sentence on weekends, the truth is that the legal mark on his record, far from being erased, becomes an irrevocable condition: This is an additional serious element that could further complicate the current situation. As a backdrop, one of the most important games in the career of a Patrick Mahomes who fights against all odds to become one of the most important names in the history of American football.

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