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Paul McCartney song starts countdown to Paralympic Games

Paul McCartney song starts countdown to Paralympic Games

GENOVA.- With the presence of Paul McCartneyParis started the 100-day countdown to the opening of the Games Paralympics.

El ex Beatle otorg su song We All Stand Together for the promotional video for the International Paralympic Committee (IPC).

Sir Paul really understands what we stand for as a movement and was very generous. It wasn’t difficult to convince him, it was something that came very naturally, IPC president Andrew Parsons told The Associated Press.

On August 29, the opening ceremony of the Summer Paralympic Games will take place along a section of the Champs-Élysées and the Place de la Concorde. The 4,400 participating athletes will compete over the next 11 days before 2.7 million spectators at venues including the Eiffel Tower and the Palace of Versailles.

The Paralympic Games in Paris will have a record 164 stations around the world, covering 549 events in 22 sports.

Two weeks after the closing of the Paralympic Games on September 8, the UN will measure progress towards its 17 sustainable development goals at the Future Summit.


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