Paula Chaves put an end to speculation about his current relationship with Zaira Nara and confirmed in LAM that the endearing friendship they had is in an “impasse”.

“How is your relationship with Zaira Nara?” Ángel de Brito asked the model and host.

Far from avoiding the question, Paula faced it with visible sadness: “The subject makes me a little bad. The situation anguishes me… It is a relationship that is at an impasse For private things that we both prefer not to say. She is my daughter’s godmotherI already chose Filipa as godmother. Hopefully, at some point, things can be accommodated“.

Also read: Why doesn’t Zaira Nara whitewash her romance with Facundo Pieres?

“Nothing specific happened to put a title on it and say ‘this happened and that’s why we distanced ourselves’, but rather it was a sum of things,” he added.

Attentive to Paula’s statements, Estefi Berardi wanted to know if Zaira communicated with her to find out about her goddaughter, Filipa, two years and ten months old, and Chaves chose not to give more information on the subject.

“What is Zaira like as a godmother? Does she want to see your daughter? Does she talk to you about that?”the LAM panelist asked him.

Serious, Paula replied: “Go into details, Estefi, no. I prefer that it remain in our private sphere. There are things that I don’t like to talk about, so they don’t keep saying it.”

“The only thing I have to say is that for me it is a painful situation, that it did me wrong and that I feel that it is not pretty,” he said. “But has it been a long time since they distanced themselves, Pau?” Marcela Feudale retorted. And Chaves pointed out: “Since Last Year”.

The impasse between Paula and Zaira coincides with the year in which Nara began a love relationship with the polo player Facundo Pieresex-boyfriend of Chaves.

Source: City Magazine


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