Paulina Rubio complains to her drummer about the lack of synchronization in concert

MIAMI.- Singer Paulina Rubio It’s viral on social media, after he scolded in full concert to his drummer. The incident occurred during the tour 90s Pop Tour, event held on the occasion of activities to make visible the rights of the community LGBTQ+ in pride month.

The Golden Girl’s show went on as normal at the Mexico City Arena. The artist sang some of her most popular songs such as And I’m still here y The last goodbye

However, it was during the performance Not a single word something did not go as it should: the sound, mainly that of the drummer, was not at the correct tempo, which caused the piece to be heard in a distorted way. This aroused Rubio’s fury and called the attention of the musician in an abrupt manner.

“Let’s see, drummer… What’s the deal, asshole? What’s the deal?” he said rudely.

The moment took both the audience and the drummer himself by surprise, who can be seen in videos getting nervous at Paulina’s complaint.

Immediately, the singer sang her song again and invited her followers to accompany her with their voices.


Although the concert continued, some Internet users and attendees have rejected Paulina Rubio’s attitude, considering that her actions were disrespectful towards the musician as she publicly humiliated him.

Some even pointed out that she was the one who was not coordinated or singing as she should have.

“The drummer can’t do miracles either, if Paulina sings like hell what’s his fault? Why does she scold the drummer, if she wasn’t singing well either? She can’t sing well if he’s marking the wrong rhythm, the whole song depends on him having a good tempo; She tried to distract attention from the out-of-tune and choppy voices she made, are some of the comments that have been published on social networks.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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