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Pedrito Sola complains that his pension was not deposited

Mexico City.- Once again the Mexican driver Pedro Sola, called by some Pedrito Sola, has become a trend on social networks after he complained about the lack of deposit of his pension by the Institute of Security and Social Services for State Workers ( ISSSTE).

However, everything seems to indicate that his complaint went the other way, as some users denounced him on the Twitter platform for his way of reacting, as well as for also criticizing the amount of money he receives.

“The pensions of ISSSTE retirees like me, deposit the meager pension amount on the 1st of each month; Today I went to the ATM and no deposit; there are elderly people who live from day to day and there is no right to have them do this to them. I hope and trust that it will happen tomorrow,” Pedrito Sola wrote on Twitter.

It should be noted that the job as a presenter in the “Ventaneando” program is an extra income for Sola, since he has a pension from ISSSTE that he received thanks to his more than 25 years of work in the Ministry of Economy.

After making his complaint, Pedro Sola’s followers and haters began to criticize him and questioned why he was claiming his pension if “he has a juicy salary for his program on television,” they also pointed out that the first of January of each year is a bank holiday, which is why he also ended up branded as ‘ignorant’.

“It’s Sunday and it’s also the first of January. I mean, in case you hadn’t noticed”, “Don’t complain, ISSSTE pensioners were informed that the deposit would be made until January 2”, “But if you work at TV Azteca, how come you live on your pension? ”, some users responded to him in his tweet.

The controversial publication did not go any further, since Pedrito Sola refrained from responding to the comments and from making another publication in this regard.

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