news culture Pedro Pascal (The Last of Us) in the MCU? Much more than a rumor, a desire!

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Difficult to satisfy fans of science fiction, video games and comics at the same time. And yet, this is what could happen to Pedro Pascal if his latest wish is granted. Indeed, the actor now famous for his roles in The Mandalorian and The Last of Us has just announced that he would like to be part of the MCU…


  • The Last Mandalorian Thrones
  • A card to play in the MCU?

The Last Mandalorian Thrones

Say that Pedro Pascal is on the rise right now would be an understatement! If he had already played in several films and series since the beginning of the 2000s, it was from his appearance in the cult series Game Of Thrones that the 47-year-old actor has become popular with the general public. Fans of George RR Martin’s universe still remember his portrayal of Oberyn Martell, the young heir to the most powerful family in Dorne, and the emotional lift he gave us regarding the future of Tyrion Lannister. If his character had then not been able to appear for more than one season, Pedro Pascal had still managed to burst the screen with his natural charisma.

It is therefore without great surprise that the actor was able to return to the skin of another character from an even more popular license: Star Wars. Indeed, since 2019, Pedro Pascal has been wearing the armor of Din Djarinalso called the mandalorian, the main character of the eponymous series available on Disney+. The latter is also one of the most acclaimed productions both by critics and by the public since the takeover of Star Wars by Disney, and should return on March 1 for a season 3 eagerly awaited by all. bounty hunter fans.

But since last Monday, if there is a production that highlights Pedro Pascal, it is the series adaptation of the video game The Last of Us, broadcast on Amazon Prime in France and produced by HBO. In fact, he embodies Joel Millerthe main character, and has already proven to us that he is capable of providing an interpretation perfectly faithful to the source material even though we have only been able to see one episode at the time we write these lines. But Pedro Pascal does not seem to want to stop there, and even begins to talk about the next projects he would like to implement…

A card to play in the MCU?

It was during an interview given to the famous American monthly magazine Wired that Pedro Pascal dropped this little bombshell: the actor would not say no to integrate the MCU. Indeed, while the interview focused on the relatively late success of his career (Pedro Pascal was already 39 when he appeared in Game of Thrones), the conversation between the actor and the journalist took an unexpected turn:

Journalist : Do you think if you had this national prominence younger, you wouldn’t have wanted, say, a traditional role at Marvel? With a cape, CGI and all that entails?

Peter Pascal: But I want this. I want to be in movies.

If his answer might seem a little broad at first glance, the fact that he answered so positively seems to indicate that he would not be opposed to the idea of ​​​​integrating the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Knowing that he also maintains a sincere friendship with actor Oscar Isaac, who recently played Moon Knight in the eponymous series, one could almost imagine that this connection would make it happen sooner or later in the cinematic adaptations of the Marvel comics. It remains to be seen for what role, and as much to say that some fans would already see him in that of Gambit, one of the most popular X-Men. The future will eventually enlighten us on the subject.

Pedro Pascal (The Last of Us) in the MCU?  Much more than a rumor, a desire!

Find out more about the universe of The Last of Us


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