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Pedro Porro’s pain: I couldn’t say goodbye to my best friend before he died

Pedro Porro's pain: I couldn't say goodbye to my best friend before he died

The footballers show appearances that suggest that their lives are filled with money and luxury. In the shadows and where no one is looking, there are also personal episodes that dynamite everything that surrounds your daily life. To Pedro Porro He has had to live that face that not only this sport gives, but also life. The Tottenham footballer couldn’t say goodbye to his best childhood friend before he diedas he confessed in an interview with The Telegraph.

A kidney tumor that spread to the head killed Mohammed Khairat Tamahaj, a person who entered his life when he was only five years old. A knock on the door of her house in Don Benito (Badajoz) I forged a true friendship. The best friendships are those that are born from spontaneity, and that was our case. We lived nearby and one day he knocked on my door. He showed up, we went to school together and from then on and during those years we were inseparable.. We played together all the time: in the school yard and in the street.

Now I know he rests in peace with his family.

Pedro began to grow exponentially in football and that distanced them. Time separated us. I started to dedicate myself to football professionally and I had to go to Madrid, Girona, Valladolid, Lisbon and now London. Even so, the right back was in contact to find out how his friend was doing. On one of those calls, He found out that the young man had a tumor in his kidney. The diagnosis worsened and the disease spread to the brain. They couldn’t save his life.

I recently found out that he was sick. He had a tumor in his kidney that spread to his head and unfortunately everything happened very quickly. Fate gave them a welcome that had no farewell. Professional commitments denied the footballer the right to say goodbye to that Moroccan boy who had recently arrived in Spain with whom he spent many hours in the park.. I didn’t have time to say goodbye to him.

Porro learned that the family returned to Morocco, but he could not pay the repatriation to bury Mohammed in his country. The footballer took care of the expenses so that he could rest in peace with his loved ones.. I discovered that his family, who had returned to Morocco, could not afford the repatriation costs and I offered to help them in any way necessary. Now I know he rests in peace with his family.

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