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Pensions: Corinne Masiero and her group Les Vaginites in support of the CGT strike fund

With her feminist group, the actress took part in a “Cabaret des Luttes” organized on Saturday and Sunday at the Lille labor exchange. The objective: to raise funds to support the strikers.

“You have to raise the tone”: the actress Corinne Masiero animated Saturday evening in Lille with her feminist group Les Vaginites a “cabaret” in support of the CGT strike fund in favor of the strikers mobilized against the pension reform.

“Close your fists but don’t shut your mouths”, “you have to fuck up the mess and raise your voice”, sang on stage Corinne Masiero, Audrey and Stéphanie Chamot, who set up their feminist electro-punk trio in 2020.

“It’s special but in a good way”, reacts among the approximately 200 spectators Robin, 35, who does not want to give his name. On stage, the actress is in a bra and white panties, painted in red at the crotch.

“Everyone must help the strikers, there are some for whom it’s really a question of eating! It’s also important to show that the mobilization is far from decreasing,” Corinne Masiero told AFP.

Corinne Masiero and her group Les Vaginites participated in a “Cabaret des Luttes” organized on Saturday April 8 and Sunday April 9, 2023 at the Lille labor exchange. © Sameer-Al-Doumy -AFP

With “this crap of reform that puts everyone in precariousness (…) it’s important, when we have a small possibility of bringing in people who are not used to fighting, to do so” , she believes.

“It seemed obvious to us to come”

Corinne Masiero “has always been a support for strike funds, she has always been alongside the workers, she has always been a girl on the left”, greets Mathias Wattelle, secretary of the local CGT union in Lille.

“It seemed obvious to us to come”, it is “completely in our approach, feminism, social, everything is linked, and I want people who are on strike, who are struggling, who have no more money, can continue to do so”, develops Stéphanie Chamot.

The group takes part in a “Cabaret des Luttes” organized on Saturday and Sunday at the labor exchange. The financial participation of the public will be entirely redistributed to the CGT strike fund, indicates Maxime Séchaud, regional delegate of the French Union of Performing Artists (SFA) at the initiative of the event with the CGT.

This fund “allows to save the most precarious and to ensure that the strike can hold”, he puts forward.

“It’s concrete, it will directly support the strikers, the economic situation is very difficult suddenly, we have to help each other, otherwise it will not last”, approves in the public Jérôme Baelen, actor.

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