Pepe Aguilar responds to hate messages against his family

MIAMI.- The confirmation of the courtship between Christian Nodal and Angela Aguilar has unleashed a controversy on social networks, which has even splashed on the family of the Mexican singer. Given this controversy Pepe AguilarAngela’s father spoke about it.

In a video posted on The hot tableshows some screenshots of the comments that the 55-year-old singer-songwriter has made on Instagram.

Pepe Aguilar’s reaction

“Pepe Aguilar has some pants and look what he answers to people… because he answered some netizens with smile emojis when they told him the second: ‘The great Aguilar dynasty shining for such good values. Congratulations to the stepmother ‘, Mr. Aguilar’. He refers to the stepmother who is going to be Inti’s. What he (Pepe) did was make some emojis with a smile,” Vernica Bastos said on the Telemundo program when reading some comments from the people next to her. artist’s response.

“So much sun,” reads another capture as part of one of the comments made by Pepe Aguilar, who is currently on vacation in Japan.

“Stay there, in Japan, because things are very hot here on this side of the world,” added another netizen.

The statements by the American artist of Mexican descent occur when on Monday -June 10- his daughter Ángela Aguilar -20 years old- confirmed to HOLA! the romantic relationship with Christian Nodal, 25 years old.

According to the young artists, courtship is not new in their lives, since one of the two declared to the magazine that this romance represents a continuation of the love they have for each other.

“It is not a new relationship; it is the continuation of a story that life made us stop so we could grow and miss each other. Because when we let go, we return even closer,” one of the parties told HOLA!.

The revelation of this news occurs after the Mexican singer Christian Nodal and the Argentine trapper Cazzu reported the end of their romance in mid-May 2024. Both shared a statement on social networks after almost two years of relationship and a daughter together, who was born on September 14, 2023.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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