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Philippe Etchebest: his touching secrets about his adopted son Louis-Oscar (VIDEO)

Guest of the new numberAs an aside this Tuesday, January 17, Philippe Etchebest confided as rarely on his relationship with his adopted son Louis-Oscar.

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We no longer present Philippe Etchebest. An emblematic figure of M6 for several years thanks to programs like Kitchen nightmare or Top Chef objective, he is unquestionably one of the most famous chefs in France and one of the favorite personalities of the French. His journey has aroused the interest of the new issue of‘As an aside of which he was the guest of Nathalie Lévy this Tuesday, January 17 on Canal +.

Philippe Etchebest has an admiration for his son who wishes to become “sports coach for people with disabilities”

During this solemn exchange with the journalist, the 56-year-old chef made rare secrets about his son, Louis-Oscar Etchebest whom he adopted in Mexico in 2005 with his wife Dominique, to whom he has been married for 24 years. The young man, who has just turned 19, shares the same passion as his father for rugby but not for cooking. Same “no way !”according to his father. “I always said to my son, ‘Do what you want to do, but do it well.’ He would like to be a sports coach for people with disabilities. It’s someone from very social, very endearing, he likes that.”

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“We share moments that are super pleasant”

Usually modest when it comes to his private life, Philippe Etchebest however revealed the nature of his relationship with his only son: “I try, as best I can, to make sure that the little time we have together is spent well. I still have work to do on that. But we still share things together, moments that are super pleasant.” In an interview with Entertainment TV in September 2021, Philippe Etchebest had already confided in his time spent with Louis-Oscar: “My son, I see him a little less because he is in boarding school. I make time on the weekends to be with him. We share a common passion for rugby, we go to matches together.“A dad very busy with his work but present at all costs for his son.

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