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Physical theater company JAT presents ‘Cocktail of Evolution’ in Faro

O JAT advances in a statement that the composite work, which combines two artistic solos, “Filhos da Evolution” and “Cocktail”, will have its debut in Portugal in this “double show” format, after a tour of Spain in 2021 and 2022.

The company specializing in physical theater, “where the physicality of the scenic artist assumes special relevance”, presents the first of these works as “intense, intriguing and disturbing”, while the second as “extravagant, hilarious and frenetic”.

According to JAT, the set of two pieces has “the ability to provoke and enrapture the public with fascinating images”, reads the note.

The shows on Saturday and Sunday by the Algarve company will feature interpretations by Diana Bernedo and Miguel Martins Pessoa, “who through their bodies represent an endless number of characters, places and situations of a human civilization that is familiar to us”.

During the first quarter of 2023, JAT presented three original shows, and three casts at Teatro Mascarenhas Gregório, in Silves, at Centro Cultural de Lagos, at Cineteatro Louletano, and at Teatro das Figuras, in Faro.

After the two shows at Teatro Lethes, the company will “continue with an international tour”, without specifying which countries.

This weekend’s sessions are aimed at the general public, on Saturday at 21:30, coinciding with World Art Day, and on Sunday at 16:00.

Tickets cost 10 euros for adults, with discounts for under-18s and over-65s.

The JAT collective is directed by Diana Bernedo, Basque actress and director, and Miguel Martins Pessoa, Portuguese actor and director.

Among his original creations are “Something from Macbeth”, “The Silver Wedding of Count Baldinski”, “Evolution Cocktail”, “Paper Wings”, “Cinema Miami”, “Get Out of the Way”, ” Heard Say” and “For Rent”.

The building where Teatro Lethes is located today began as a Jesuit college in 1599 and the concert hall in its current configuration was inaugurated in 1845, associating it with the celebrations of the birthday of Queen D. Maria II.

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