The General Auditor of the Nation, Miguel Ángel Pichetto, assured that he does not regret his criticism of the Minister of Women, Gender and Diversity, Ayelén Mazzina, and clarified that his questions were due to the silence of the portfolio in the case of Lucio Dupuy .

“I will be a dinosaur, but I do not regret it, nor do I blame anyone and I take care of what I say. I have also never had any type of discrimination against any type of sexual identity,” explained the member of Together for Change in an interview with Radio Rivadavia.

“They asked me about the Lucio case and I think there were no demonstrations about this terrible case, and I don’t even want to get into the thorny edges of systematic anal rape with devices carried out by the mother and the couple,” he pointed out and ironized : “A word of mercy, the Ministry of Gender and Diversity could have sympathized with the situation of the child, as well as the death of the policewoman, but of course, since it is ‘gray’ they do not talk about it so that it does not alter the vision ideological”.

In addition, he referred to his statements about the minister’s sexuality: “I believe in individual rights, I support article 19 of the National Constitution and I have encouraged all kinds of laws in Congress that are in line with the rights that Mazzina raises I voted for the laws, I voted for everything,” he clarified.

Meanwhile, he criticized the portfolio chaired by Mazzina for representing “intense, ghetto and small political minorities, aimed at certain minorities of sexual identity that are valid and legitimate to develop and exercise in freedom.”

“He has ghetto and minority policies when you have to have majority policies, that’s what I was referring to,” he commented and responded to President Alberto Fernández, who accused him of being a “dinosaur”: “I have a memory and I can be a dinosaur, but I can’t I’m stupid,” he lashed out.


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