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Pierre de Maere makes a surprising revelation to Yann Barthès in Daily

Pierre de Maere is one of the revelations of the French-speaking scene last year. The 21-year-old Belgian singer has established himself as a new essential figure with his title One day I will marry an angela real hit that has accumulated more than 50 million plays between YouTube and Spotify and ranked fourth among the most listened to French-language songs of 2022. He also achieved a feat by being nominated twice for the Victoires de la Musique without having yet unveiled his first album. His audience has been waiting for it for months now, and he finally unveiled it this Friday, January 27, shis first album in which he affirms his personality is called Look at me. Pierre de Maere was today the guest of Yann Barthès in the show Daily to promote it, and he took the opportunity to make very surprising confidences.

I’m stressed from the studio

Pierre de Maere confessed on the show that his favorite track had to be listened to drunk and alone, much to the surprise of Yann Barthès who did not hesitate to ask him “Are you often drunk and alone?” The young singer then replied with a laugh, “No, no, not yet! No, no, I already have a big brother, so there are two of us, we’re not two drunk and alone, together, it’s true.He then continued with an unexpected statement, which surprised both the host and the audience. “To make the album for example, I’m stressed from the studio you see, I’m very afraid to record my voice because first of all I sing badly. And so, in the studio, we have the opportunity to do things fifty times…”, he began to explain before being interrupted. “Do you sing badly?”, the surprised host immediately cut him off.

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I have come a long way

Pierre de Maere first stammered a few words before answering him smiling and shyly, “I progress !” It must be said that only a few minutes before, the Belgian singer blew the audience away by singing his hit child of, which is more surprising. “I’m making progress, I’ve come a long way, and nothing in fact“, he confessed on the set. “It’s not every day that a singer says ‘I sing badly’”, continued Yann Barthès. Finally, the young new prodigy of French-speaking song then confessed, “Me, I like writing lyrics, it’s composing, producing with my brother, parties, Fashion Week (…) But singing is harder.” In any case, even if Pierre de Maere still lacks a little confidence in his talent as a singer, he did not hesitate to ask the public to come and see him in concert very soon.

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