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Pierre Niney confides in the "sacrifices" that he must have done in his youth

Pierre Niney returns to the cinema in the film The Book of Solutions by director Michel Gondry which is released in theaters this Wednesday, September 13. To talk about it, he accepted the invitation of Nathalie Levy on her show As an aside broadcast on Canal+. A project “very inspired“of the life of the director who went through a complicated period with bipolarity.”These problems, these mental disorders, they are common and you can have them and you have the right to have them, there is no shame in having them and it is human. I was happy to do comedy about something so important and so serious (…) Like Michel Gondry, you can go through a tunnel which you have the impression is interminable and that it is the worst moment of your life“, he confided at the start of the show.

There was a form of carelessness“: this film that Pierre Niney shot with his “band” of actors

Pierre Niney also returned to the filming of the film Five, released in cinemas in 2016. For this project, he starred opposite François Civil, Igor Gotesman and Margot Bancilhon. “Is there a form of brotherhood in a group film like that, with guys of the same age, who are successful, is that possible?” asked Nathalie Levy. To which he replied: “Completely yes. That was also the idea of ​​this film… It was to make a film when we were still old enough and to have it in our filmography and say to ourselves: ‘We did it together, it was cool. It was still years of carelessness’. Me, I wasn’t a dad yet so I didn’t have this new cap which is still a responsibility so there was a form of carelessness, of lightness in the idea of ​​making this film“.

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I feel like I’ve missed out on the roommates a bit…

In the rest of the interview, Nathalie Levy wanted to know if this film was “a kind of catching up“from his youth, he who was very busy starting his acting career.”I worked very quickly with old people (…) At the time, they were old people for me, they were actors who were 50 years old, we were filming in the Province, in Rouen, in Lens while my friends told me: ‘Aren’t you coming to New York after all, because we’re going there?’ (…) ‘No, I still have dates in Le Havre…’ In truth, I loved it because I was already doing the job I loved, but it’s true that I was 18, 19 years old and suddenly, I feel like I missed out on roommates, college and everything. And at the same time, if I had to do it again, I would do it again because I was lucky not to have perhaps the aftermath that they had (…) I didn’t feel that dizzy- there“, he confided.

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