Singer Luca Galn, from Pimpinela, in intensive care after surgery

MIAMI.- The singer Luca Galn, lead singer of Pimpernelunderwent pancreatic surgery to remove a cyst premalignant condition that his doctors had diagnosed, with the aim of preventing cancer. This was reported by the interpreter in a video that she published on the group’s social networks, prior to the operation.

“Hello, how are you all? I wanted to personally give this message so that you can have the news first-hand,” he began in the audiovisual published on June 13.

“Last year in Madrid, having a CT scan due to a bronchial infection, (the doctors) miraculously made a discovery. They found a premalignant cyst in my pancreas. An exhaustive follow-up was done throughout this time and the conclusion was What I came to is that I have to go to surgery. They have to cut the tail of the pancreas, which is where I have the cyst, attached to the wall, it is a mucinous cyst, as the doctors call it, and this is to prevent cancer of the pancreas. pancreas,” the interpreter explained to her followers.

Galn stressed that she was grateful to her medical team and to God for finding the diagnosis in time, and stated that she would be accompanied by her family.

Likewise, she thanked the fans of the do for the support they have always shown, asked them to keep her in their prayers and assured them that in August, she and her brother Joaquín would resume the tour.

“Starting in August we will be settled in Spain, doing the tour accordingly. Because it is the right time, I will be perfect again to shout at my brother”

Singer’s health

On Thursday night, Luca’s family issued a statement on Pimpinela’s social media to give an update on the surgery.

“Dear friends, we want to tell you that Luca is recovering from his surgery. The doctors reported that the operation was carried out as planned,” the text explains.

Likewise, it points out that: “due to protocol and prevention, she will continue to be hospitalized in intensive therapy between 24 and 48 hours.” “We want to thank you all for your company and good wishes. “We also thank the media for their interest and respect.”

Subsequently, a brief report was published signed by Dr. Roberto Dupuy de Lome, director of the Mater Dei Sanatorium in Argentina, the health center where she was operated on, which states that the interpreter is evolving satisfactorily in the postoperative period.

On the other hand, Roco, Luca’s daughter with Alberto Hazn, reported that her mother was fine.

“Hello, good morning! Roco writes to you. I wanted to tell you that everything went well in the operation. Thank you for the messages,” he wrote.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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