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Piqué and Clara Chía walk through Barcelona

CDMX.- From the photo that the soccer player Gerard Piqué posted on his social networks, the couple has been seen in public without fear of being told anything.

This Monday the couple was caught walking through the Gothic Quarter of Barcelona and they look in a good mood. Even Piqué stops to give comments to the press and leaves Clara Chía behind so that she does not appear on the cameras.

It had been speculated on social networks that February 7 was Clara Chía’s birthday, but the footballer immediately denied it.

“Tomorrow is the birthday? But what have you taken? Tomorrow is the birthday? But what do you say? It’s not tomorrow,” Gerard Piqué told Europa Press.

This is the first time that they have been caught on the street without any type of security, which caused a stir on social networks, since this is synonymous with the fact that now they will stop hiding.

That same day, Shakira visited a hospital in Barcelona, ​​since William, her father, had scheduled surgery, but could not undergo surgery due to medical problems.

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