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Plasberg closes the year

Farewell to a beloved ARD tradition: For the 15th and now last time, the long-standing “Hart aber fair” presenter Frank Plasberg playfully reviews the year – supported by four great guests.

2022 – The Quiz – Fri. 30.12. – TV: 8.15 p.m

Everything has an end. This year. And also the era of Frank Plasberg in the first. The political journalist, who also has a remarkable entertainer gene, is now ending his t after his talk “Hart aber fair”.traditional ARD end-of-year show: “2022 – Das Quiz” is the 15th show of this kindin which Plasberg was allowed to bask in the limelight as game director and entertainment presenter.

After that, the man, who turned 65 in May and now feels ready for retirement age, pulls out of the current ARD-Television operation back. In the talk series “Hart aber fair”, which he had long shaped, in which many tough arguments had to be held, especially in this year of war and permanent crisis, he had already said goodbye at the beginning of November. Now the curtain falls on the “quiz” at the end of the year. However, Frank Plasberg would like to fully enjoy the often latently silly fun again.

Florian Silbereisen returns to the final again

He invited old acquaintances and good friends to the grand finale shortly before New Year’s Eve: Beim Annual review of a different kindin which the audience can not only root for the quiz candidates but also guess, he has once again drummed up the dream team. Günther Jauch (won four times so far), Barbara Schöneberger (two wins) and Jan Josef Liefers (four times successful) compete against each other and against “Traumschiff” actor and music entertainer Florian Silbereisen. This is the second time he has been involved.

In terms of content, of course, the major topics of the year that kept Germany in suspense should not be missing – including the Constant trouble in the traffic light coalition, the death of the Queen and the inauguration of King Charles III., the women’s European Football Championship, the World Cup in Qatar and of course “Layla”the slightly different summer hit.

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