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Poet Ana Blandiana wins Princess of Asturias Award for Literature

Poet Ana Blandiana wins Princess of Asturias Award for Literature

MADRID.- The poet Romanian Ana Blandiana, who made poetry a weapon of resistance against the communist dictatorship that her country suffered, is the winner of the Princess of Asturias Award of the Letters 2024, announced today -May 23- the jury.

“Blandiana symbolizes the conscience and testimony of her time and her voice proposes a reflection on artistic creation and the human condition,” explained in a statement the jury of the Literature Prize, one of the eight annual awards that carry the title of the heir to the Spanish crown and which are the most prestigious in the Hispanic world.

The awards, established in 1981, are endowed with 50,000 euros (about $54,000) and a sculpture created by the late Catalan artist Joan Mir.

About the poet

Otilia Valeria Comán, literary name Ana Blandiana, was born in Timioara on March 25, 1942 and is 82 years old.

“Daughter of an enemy of the people, she was prohibited from studying at the university after the appearance in 1959 of her first poem in a magazine, during the communist dictatorship (1947-1989),” explained the jury.

In 1964 he published his first book of poems, first person pluralachieving success two years later with El taln vulnerable.

The bulk of his work, more than a dozen books, is dedicated to poetry, but he has also published fantastic stories, a couple of novels and books of essays.

“Cult author”

After the revolution that ended Nicolae Ceaucescu’s regime in 1989, he began his political life with a campaign promoting the elimination of the communist legacy.

“A cult author throughout Europe, Blandiana’s work reflects, according to what has been written, a deep knowledge of the Romanian spirit during a historic period of oppression,” the jury reported. “Known for her anti-communist poetry, Blandiana was distinguished by a sublime rebellion that led her for years to live as an exile within her own country,” she added.

Translated into more than 20 languages, in Spanish they have been published harvest of angels (2007), Past projects (2008), The four Seasons (2014), o The reflux of the senses (2016).

He has received, among others, the Vilenica International Prize (2002), the European Poet of Freedom Prize (2016), in addition to the French Legion of Honor and an Honoris Causa doctorate from the Spanish University of Salamanca and the Bulgarian University of Sofia, among others. .

Succeeds Murakami

The Literature Award is the fifth of the eight awards in this edition of the awards, which, at a rate of one per week, are awarded by the Princess of Asturias Foundation.

Last year, in this category, recognition went to the Japanese Haruki Murakami, for the uniqueness of his literature, its universal scope, its ability to reconcile Japanese tradition and the legacy of Western culture.

In previous editions, the Cuban Leonardo Padura, the Frenchman Fred Vargas, the American Siri Hustvedt, the Spanish-Peruvian Mario Vargas Llosa, the Mexican Juan Rulfo, among others, were awarded.

Along with this Thursday, this year the Princess of Asturias Award for the Arts was already awarded, which went to the Spanish singer-songwriter Joan Manuel Serrat, an essential voice for generations of Spaniards and Latin Americans; that of Communication and Humanities, which fell to the Franco-Iranian artist Marjane Satrapi, author of the famous Perspolis; that of Sports, for the Spanish badminton player Carolina Marn; and the Social Sciences, awarded to the Canadian intellectual and former politician Michael Ignatieff.

The International Cooperation, Scientific Research and Concordia are pending delivery in this edition.

The awards, which take their name from the title of the heir to the throne of the Spanish crown, Princess Leonor, are presented by her and Kings Felipe VI and Letizia in October in a ceremony in Oviedo, capital of Asturias.


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