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Police will charge Daniel Sancho with premeditated murder

Police will charge Daniel Sancho with premeditated murder

daniel sancho He has already spent his second night in Koh Samui jail. He will be there, at least, until the trial for his alleged murder of Colombian surgeon Edwin Arrietawith whom he has had sexual relations in the last year, and of which he points out that “he was his hostage.”

A case in which new information is coming out every day, and that could end with a sentence such as death. A case in which the police told ‘AFP’ that has evidence to accuse Rodolfo Sancho’s son of premeditated murder, which is punishable by capital punishment.

“We have enough evidence and now it is up to the court to start the trial”has revealed Somsak Nurod, the head of investigation of the Koh Pha Ngan police station, where the Spanish chef was before appearing before a judge last Monday.

They hide behind the images captured by the video surveillance cameras of the streets, where Daniel Sancho and Edwin Arrieta can be seen on a motorcycle before the events occurred; and also by being seen in the cameras of the store where he bought the knives that he would later use.

The police are not clear about the motives for the murder

However, regarding the motives of the murder, the police indicate that they are not clear. While, Daniel defended himself in his statement, pointing out that everything was due to the victim’s threats with spreading some intimate images of both: “He held me hostage. It was a glass cage, but it was a cage. He made me destroy the relationship with my girlfriend, he has forced me to do things that I would never have done ”.

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