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Pop star Heino begs Stefan Mross: “Don’t want you to ruin your life”

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Musician Heino wrote an open letter to Stefan Mross. In this, the 84-year-old emphasizes his concern for the pop singer.

Now hit star Heino (84) reports with warning words to “Everytime on Sundays“Moderator Stefan Mross (46). The singer Stefan Mross is a prominent German pop singer and TV presenter. He comes from Traunstein in Upper Bavaria and sings folk music. Since his separation from his wife Anna-Carina Woitschack (30), negative rumors about the singer have increased. In particular, his wife has accused him of having an alcohol problem.

Musician Heino has known the 47-year-old since he was 13 years old. At that time, Stefan Mross was still at the very beginning of his career and Heino made a big promise to Stefan’s mother: he would take care of young Mross. Even though this was several decades ago, Heino still sees himself as his protégé’s mentor. In particular, the 84-year-old is now reacting to the shocking rumors.

Heino to Stefan Mross: “Please don’t throw it all away”

Heino now wrote an open letter to Stefan Mross. In it he addresses the 47-year-old with warning words. The letter was published by and in it Heino writes:

Pop star Heino begs Stefan Mross: “Don’t want you to ruin your life” © POP-EYE/H_Urs via

“Dear Stefan, I have been following the reports about you with great concern over the past few days. It hurts me to see that such a likeable and talented guy like you loses his way and that everything goes to the dogs.” But he also shows understanding for the situation of his protégé: “I understand that you are with the separation from Your Anna had emotional stress and you can sometimes go overboard. That’s human. But you have a new girlfriend now. With ‘Always Sundays’ you have a great show on ARD, you have fans who love you. Please don’t throw it all away!”

At the end he adds: “I don’t want you to ruin your life and your career.” It is to be hoped that Stefan Mross will take these words from his mentor to heart. So far, however, there has been no reaction on his part. It is now clear at the latest: Anna-Carina Woitschack will no longer moderate the “Always Sunday” star kitchen after the separation from Stefan Mross. Nevertheless, Anna-Carina Woitschack appears on “Always Again on Sundays” with Stefan Mross.

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