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Popular vantage point: Visiting the Elbphilharmonie Plaza in Hamburg remains free

The plaza of the Elbphilharmonie is a popular vantage point for residents of Hamburg and tourists. So far, the visit was free. Will it stay that way?

Visiting the Plaza of the Hamburgers
Elbphilharmonie remains free of charge. “It’s a big gesture
to all visitors,” said Hamburg’s Senator for Culture, Carsten Brosda (SPD).
on Tuesday in Hamburg.

For this, the operating company of
Elbe Philharmonic Hall financial for the current double budget period
Get support for building management. “Besides, we are
in talks about how we can permanently free access
to the plaza,” said the senator.

A possible entry for the plaza has been discussed for months
discussed to ensure cost-covering operation. the
Consideration of only granting free access to the people of Hamburg
could not have been implemented for legal reasons, said
Brozda. Around 80 percent of the Plaza visitors came from
outside of. Spontaneous visits to the plaza have been a thing of the past since it opened
November 2016 free. Only for booking one
Two euros will be charged at the end of the visit.

Above all, the left in the Hamburg Parliament had it
insisted that access to the plaza remains free. “For us is
clear: the largest balcony in the city was filled with a lot of public
Money built – access must therefore remain permanently free,” said
the cultural policy spokesman for the left, Norbert Hackbusch.

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