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Poty Castillo’s family coffee maker catches fire with his mother inside

Poty Castillo's family coffee maker catches fire with his mother inside

With just a few hours left until Christmas Eve, on Christmas Eve itself, the famous choreographer Poty Castillo has received a severe setback. The coffee maker, located in Torrelavega (Cantabria)who belongs to his family and who just a few months ago celebrated six decades with the blinds up, the legendary Café Urbanoshas been a victim of the flames after a violent fire that could have been even worse, since his mother, his brothers and several clients were inside the establishment. Everyone has escaped unharmed, but the place has been completely destroyed.

The news was given by Poty himself, who is in Valencia, through his Instagram. Today is a very sad day! The whole family is in shock and devastated.begins his message, attaching photos of the place before the event and a video of the consequences of a fire that It originated on the upper floor of the premises and that It spread both to the lower one and to adjacent buildings.forcing the evacuation of some businesses and attached homes.

The roof collapsed

In August we celebrated the 60th anniversary of the family business. A legendary and benchmark hospitality establishment in Cantabria. Business that my parents started so many years ago, with the hope of starting a life together and creating a family.reads his message, which looks back to remember that forgotten time and then, harshly, returns to the sadness of the present: and so it has been, until today.

A FIRE has ended so many years of work, sacrifice, hope and mandatory stop of so many friends-clients who have accompanied us a lifetime., he laments, with the greatest of pain. And it refers to how the consequences of this fatal episode could have been harsher: thank God there is no need to regret personal misfortunes. My mother and my brothers, who were at that moment in the establishment with many friends from Urbanos, quickly left. and that avoided greater evils.

The roof collapsed. My mother abandoned the bag and the coat, but, as she says, an angel from the Torrelavega firefighters recovered it., says Poty, who ends by thanking all his followers for all the messages of support they have given him. And he sentences with a promise: we will be back!

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