Monday, January 2, 2023 | 10:45 a.m.

As of February, the increases in fees for prepaid medical companies will have a cap for those with a net income of less than six minimum wages, an amount that is equivalent to $392,562 with the January salary. In these cases, the increase in the value of the authorized quota will have a maximum of 90% of the evolution index of Ripte wages (Average Taxable Remuneration of Stable Workers).

To access this benefit, users of the prepaid medicine service must declare their situation on the website of the Superintendence of Health Services, between the 1st and 20th of each month. The procedure must be carried out every month on the web Before entering, it is required to have a Fiscal Code level 3 of the AFIP or higher and add the “Mi SSSalud” service to the fiscal code.

Until last year, prepaid medicine fees were updated based on a health cost index. However, the high percentage increases in the last months of the year led the Government to establish a new mechanism for increases for people with incomes of less than six minimum wages.

In this case, as of February 1, 2023 and for a period of one and a half years, the increase in the value of individual contract installments with prepaid or through contribution derivation will have a maximum limit of 90%. of the Index of Average Taxable Remuneration of Stable Workers (Ripte) of the previous month published.

The last Ripte index published is that of last October, which was 5.5%. In that case, the ceiling for increases in February -with an estimated 90%- would be 4.95%. This month of January, the second part of the increase established for December 2022 was applied, which was initially 13.8% -according to a formula that is no longer applied- and then the Government split it into two increases of 6.9% ( one in December and one in January). Last year, prepaid medicine closed with a total increase in the year of just over 100%.

On the other hand, prepaid must offer its users, as of January 2023, mandatory coverage plans with copayments on first and second level benefits, at a price of at least 25% less. to the plan without copays.

According to official data, there are more than 6 million users and consumers of health services. Of that total, more than 1.9 million people are covered by corporate plans that their employers subscribe with the companies that cover their costs in whole or in part. The rest is divided among those who contract prepaid directly – more than 1.6 million – or work in a dependency relationship and derive their mandatory contributions to entities that sign agreements with the prepaid.

How to do the process
1. Once the website of the Superintendence of Health Services is accessed, click on the access to Affidavit for Prepaid Users.

2. To access the data upload form, click on the “new declaration” button. This option will be visible from the 1st to the 20th of each month. One prepaid affidavit can be filed per period. From the 21st of each month onwards, the functionality will not be available.

3. Click on the “Selection of prepaid medicine entity” button to display the search engine that allows you to select a prepaid medicine company.

4. On the screen, each user must search for their prepaid card. The search can be carried out by CUIT number or by entering part of the denomination, which displays a list with the matches that are generated. When the corresponding prepaid is found, it must be selected by clicking on “accept”.

5. Next, click YES in the two condition boxes (declaration and authorization) and confirm the process by clicking the “confirm” button. The beneficiary may not register more than one Affidavit per period for the same prepayment. If it is required to do so for more than one prepaid, it must be done in individual affidavits.

6. Once confirmed, it returns to the initial screen with the registration of the declarations already entered.


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