President swears in new military leadership amid great confusion

PEACE — Bolivian President, Luis Arceappointed a new dome military, relieving the Army’s general commander, Juan José Zúñiga, amid confusion and accusations of an alleged “coup d’état.”

Arce swore in the new commanders at the presidential palace in La Paz, according to a live television broadcast.

Armored military vehicles and a large group of uniformed officers surrounded the Bolivian government palace in La Paz on Wednesday, in what the country’s president considered an attempted “coup d’état.”

General Zúñiga assured that the military intends to “restructure democracy” in Bolivia and demanded the release of imprisoned opponents.

“The Armed Forces intend to restructure democracy, to make it a true democracy. Not of a few, not of some owners who have already been running the country for 30, 40 years,” said the dismissed army commander outside the presidential headquarters surrounded by of soldiers and about eight military tanks.

News in development

Source: With information from AFP and AP

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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