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Prince and Princess of Wales: the 6 words that William and Kate Middleton forbid their children to say

Prince and Princess of Wales: the 6 words that William and Kate Middleton forbid their children to say

The misfortunes that have recently plagued the British royal family are not distracting them from their family routines. Quite the opposite, as Catherine Middleton’s withdrawal from public life to receive private cancer treatment, which she announced on March 22, means that the Princess of Wales can spend more time at home.

A time that she dedicates, as she herself has often said, to her three children, Princes George, Charlotte and Louis, in whose education the Prince and Princess of Wales have always been involved in. In fact, it is known that these They use the Montessori method with themby the famous Italian pedagogue Maria Montessori, which is why they tend to bend down to talk to them, so that everything is at their height.

In addition, Since the birth of their firstborn, they also have the help of the exclusive girl from Palencia Maria Teresa Turrintrained in a literature center for this profession.

As part of its rules, there is a very curious one, and that is that The three princes have six forbidden words that they cannot use.What are they?

Both: For members of the royal family it is preferable to use a sink, toilet or bathroom.

Ex: This word is also not well regarded, it should be replaced with living room or recreation room.

Tea: This is a colloquial term used to refer to meal times, however, in the house of princes it should not be used.

Perfume: It is also not popular within the royal family, who prefer aroma.

Posh: means posh in Spanish (remember the reference to Victoria Beckham); aristocrats prefer elegant.

Pap: Here the sons of the Princes of Wales have not paid attention, since they have chosen not to use the preferred and more formal Pa.

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