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Prince Harry and Meghan’s foundation is financed almost exclusively by a single benefactor

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From: Annemarie Goebel


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s charitable Archewell Foundation received a mysterious donation that keeps it alive. Analysts are suspicious of the $10 million. Such donations could also be used as a “tax savings model”.

Montecito – Prince Harry’s (38) and Meghan Markle’s (41) Archewell Foundation released its first impact report since launch in late January. House reporter for the Sussexes Omid Scobie (41) gave details: The foundation had generated a good twelve million euros in income, distributed almost three million euros in grants in areas such as “vaccine justice, aid centers, refugee resettlement and building a better online world”. Revenue is the percentage that Harry and Meghan can collect from donations.

Ten million dollars were donated to Archewell through a Donor Advised Fund

How revealed, the lion’s share of that money came from a single person through the Silicon Valley Community Foundation [SVCF] – a non-profit foundation that offers extremely wealthy benefactors the opportunity to make tax-free donations anonymously. That means the name of the loner is never revealed. One quickly overlooks the word that matters: tax-free.

Analysts suspect a donation model in a generous donation to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Archewell Foundation, as has already been used by multimillionaires Mark Zuckerberg or Twitter founder Jack Dorsey. © Wu Xiaoling/Imago & i Images/Imago

The $10 million grant to Archewell is listed on the SVCF’s website, stating that it is not for a specific project, but for “general charitable support.” Very unusual, say experts, as most SVCF grants are project-specific, e.g. B. for “animal welfare” or “education”. This means that Archewell can also use the funds for office expenses, public relations or marketing, and to pay salaries. The question arises, why would a wealthy donor pay such a high sum for “general support” and not for specific heart projects?

The SVCF scandal

SVCF hit the headlines in 2018 when CEO Dr. Emmett Carson was forced to resign after a law firm tasked with investigating workplace bullying and harassment released a revealing report that exposed sexual, racist and other inappropriate language by some executives.

In 2020, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative — named after Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, 38, and his wife Priscilla Chan, 37, — donated $300 million to two nonprofits to ensure safe and reliable voting in the 2020 presidential election , although some have accused them of interfering in elections in key contested states.

Silicon Valley tech billionaires, including Mark Zuckerberg, have used their SVCF donor funds extensively to give away millions. Twitter founder Jack Dorsey (46), WhatsApp co-founder Brian Acton, Netflix boss Reed Hastings (62) and Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz (69) are already using the SCVF.

“We believe that philanthropy is more than a handout, it’s a hand to hold”

There is some speculation, for example on the YouTube channel the royal grift, that the donation could have come from Prince Harry himself. He received a $20 million advance for his memoir “Spare” (Eng. “Reserve”) and could reuse the sum tax-free. Who else should it be, the question is asked. Not even very rich friends, and no rich person at all, would donate such a huge sum for general use.

It therefore seems unlikely that Papa King Charles would have helped his second son, since Harry has already publicly complained that in his early days as a fresh ex-royal in California he was kept short. Also: Charles III. With the renovation of Buckingham Palace, the upcoming coronation and the costs for the royal family itself, the water could soon be up to the neck. Sources used:, news.comaand

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