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Prince Harry loses UK personal security appeal

Prince Harry wins trial against tabloid that hacked his cell phone

LONDON.- He prncipe Harry lost the appeal filed against the decision to withdraw his proteccin police when in the United Kingdomannouncement on Wednesday the Tribunal Superior of London.

The British justice ruled that the decision to withdraw this systematic protection, paid for by taxpayers, since the Duke of Sussex decided to cut his ties with the royal family in 2020 and leave for the United States is not irrational and does not lack injustice.

Harry’s appeal against the Home Office challenges the decision made by the authorities in February 2020 to provide case-by-case police protection for Harry, his wife Meghan and their two children when they are in the United Kingdom.

At a hearing in December, Harry’s lawyer argued that a case-by-case decision carries excessive uncertainty for the prince and his dependents. But the representative of the Ministry of the Interior based this tailored police protection and depending on the context on the fact of his change of status within the royal family.

Court decision

The judge considered this Wednesday that this case-by-case decision: “had, and has, a legal basis.” Much of this process took place behind closed doors due to the confidential security information involved.

In another procedure, Prince Harry, who must now eventually hire private security, asked to be able to count on police protection by paying for it with his personal funds, but the demand was rejected by the court in May.

The king’s youngest son does not lavish his trips to the United Kingdom. In the last year only he has made quick visits for the coronation of Charles III in May or in early February to visit his father who was diagnosed with cancer.

The issue of safety is very sensitive for the Duke of Sussex, who blames the press and paparazzi for the fatal accident of his mother, Princess Diana, in Paris in 1997. The prince has also launched several legal proceedings against British tabloids. .


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