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Prince Harry raced through Princess Diana’s death tunnel in search of clues

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From: Annemarie Goebbel


Prince Harry’s has announced major revelations in his memoir. A lot of details leaked out in advance, which the Duke of Sussex confirmed in two interviews. He wanted to understand Princess Diana’s death and raced through her death tunnel at 100 km/h.

Montecito – Prince Harry (38) puts the cards on the table in his memoirs. The Duke of Sussex now openly admits that he didn’t always have the best ideas for coping with his grief and his anger at family relationships and the death of his mother Princess Diana (36, † 1997). In an excerpt from Harry’s memoir, available to Britain’s People magazine, he bluntly recounts the highly emotional moment he drove through the same Paris tunnel that killed his mother in 1997.

To get his feelings under control, Prince Harry raced through Diana’s death tunnel

He had asked the driver to drive at the same speed as his tragically deceased mother and her friend Dodi Al-Fayed (42, † 1997). Their escape from paparazzi on August 31 was the last trip for the then Princess of Wales and her boyfriend. For Harry, it was apparently 10 years after Diana’s death voyage, the culmination of his hopes that his mother might have just fabricated her death.

Copy of montage semicircle right ZRU (41).jpg © picture alliance/dpa/PA Media | Harry: The Interview On Itv1 And & Princess Diana archive image (13.01.1997) John_Stillwell/dpa

Prince Charles came to 12-year-old Harry and his firstborn William to break the news of their mother’s death. To mourn the loss of their mother, the sons had to publicly follow their mother’s coffin in the funeral procession, as Charles later regretfully called it a wrong decision. He describes Harry’s feelings as pure chaos. But one child remained hopeful that his mother might just have gone into hiding.

“Spare” will be released on January 10, 2022

The feeling of being the replacement for the heir to the throne Prince William (40) runs like a red thread through his book, as the title “Spare” (“Reserve”) also suggests.

According to a leaked excerpt reported by the Guardian, Harry claims his father, King Charles III, thanked Princess Diana for giving him a surrogate child after his birth in September 1984.

“Harry tells early on how his father, now King Charles, is said to have said to his wife, Princess Diana, on the day Harry was born, ‘Wonderful! Now you’ve given me an heir and a surrogate child – my job is done,” reports the Guardian.

Apparently, the images in Prince Harry’s head are still with him today

Prince Harry later asked to see the police files, and that’s where he saw the photos of the accident. “It was a very bad idea,” he now recalls for the first time in “Spare.” And further. “I had had many bad ideas in my twenty-three years, but this one was uniquely poorly thought out. I had convinced myself that I wanted to graduate, but I really didn’t want to. Deep down I had hoped to feel in that tunnel what he had felt in the face of the death images: disbelief, doubt.”

Instead, that was the night when all doubts disappeared,” he reports about the tunnel journey: “I drew the line that I said I was looking for. For what Harry finally realized in the Pont de l’Alma, he has no words in his work either. But the father of two can clearly formulate the consequences. What he gained in insight he can no longer get rid of. The bump that caused his mother Princess Diana’s Mercedes to skid at 100 km/h, according to the police report, was hardly noticeable to him. Sources used:,,

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